Version 2 - launch
Duo, Nutrition Labelling, Professional

Version 2 launched July 24, 2024

Article updated 25 July 2024

PLEASE NOTE: To facilitate the launch of version 2Foodworks online will not be available from 4:00-8:00pm AEST on 24 July 2024.

Exciting news. Version 2 of launches on 24 July 2024.

If you’re a subscriber, there is nothing for you to do except enjoy the new features and improvements once Version 2 is launched. There is no extra cost, and the update is automatic.

New in Version 2

Version 2 includes significant new features and improvements.

For Foodworks Professional, new features include:

  • Enhance your clinical practice with major upgrades to features for tracking your nutrition clients.
  • Create drafts of resources before publishing.
  • See activity logs for your organisation, workspaces and individual resources.
  • Autosave changes to avoid losing data due to connectivity issues.
  • Create resources from the Search drop-down of the ingredients grid.
  • COMING SOON Seamlessly integrate with a brand new version of our free mobile diet-tracking app for your clients, Easy Diet Diary. The new Easy Diet Diary and its integration are due Q3/Q4 of 2024.
  • Compare Professional Version 1 and Version 2.

For Foodworks Nutrition Labelling, new features include:

  • Enter ingredient quantities by percentage (%).
  • Add attachments to your resources such as PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, Word documents and images.
  • Create drafts of resources before publishing.
  • See activity logs for your organisation, workspaces and individual resources.
  • Autosave changes to avoid losing data due to connectivity issues.
  • Create resources from the Search drop-down of the ingredients grid.
  • Compare Nutrition Labelling Version 1 and Version 2.

The new version has a fresh new interface. Behind the scenes, it’s a major renovation, improving security, performance and reliability.

Importantly, Version 2 improves performance for very large and complex recipes and workspaces, future-proofing your Foodworks experience as your business grows.

Version 2 also lays the groundwork for many exciting features to be added in the future.

If you’re already a Foodworks subscriber, there’s nothing to do. The transition to Version 2 will be easy and automatic, and the upgrade is free as part of your subscription.

If you’re not a current subscriber, now’s the time – we’d love to welcome you to Version 2.

We’re excited to be delivering an even better Foodworks for you.

If you’ve got questions about Version 2, get in touch.

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